Nurturing Environmental Health Leaders: A Collaborative Journey with the Allied Health Professions Council.

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Recently, we had the honour of welcoming a distinguished delegation from the Allied Health Professions Council. Their visit was dedicated to providing our students with invaluable insights into the post-graduation journey of becoming licensed practitioners in the field of environmental health. 

Our Bachelor’s programme in Environmental Health and Sanitation Education provides students with comprehensive knowledge and useful skills to address critical challenges facing our environment today.
We are really proud of the graduates we produce because they are not only knowledgeable in the field but also have their skills recognized by the Allied Health Professions Council.

Licensing is a pivotal step for our graduates, opening doors to impactful careers and opportunities to make a meaningful difference. The guidance and information shared by the Allied Health team have illuminated the path forward, making the transition from student to licensed professional smoother than ever. 

Thanks to the Allied Health Professions Council for their collaboration and commitment to shaping the next generation of environmental health leaders. We are confident that our graduates will thrive in their roles as licensed professionals, contributing to healthier communities and a more sustainable world.